
Since 1986, my firm has studied and designed buildings to complement existing vernacular architecture. Through these years, I have combined the beauty of simplistic forms, textures and natural elements creating an interpretation of our building heritage.

My work also includes the concepts of the economical use of our natural resources or what is commonly know as sustainable architecture.

This site will also be used as an educational tool for anyone who wishes. I will continue to add links to other sites which I feel best emulate my love for architecture, the natural environment, sustainability and preservation. 

It is my hope, with the development of this site, I will be able to explain in words and visual images my interpretation of Classic American Architecture.


Work Experience

Education: Bachelor of Architecture - University of Miami, New Jersey School of Architecture

Major: Architecture

Minor: Historic Preservation

Licenses Held:

Architect - New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania   

Professional Planner - New Jersey

Professional Memberships:

    American Institute of Architects

    U. S. Green Building Council

Lecture Series: Guest lecturer at Culver Brook Restoration Foundation on the Architectural Styles of Frankford Township and Branchville, NJ




Office: 908.730.8085 Mobile: 908-310-8557

39 Quakertown Road, Pittstown, New Jersey 08867